Top 10 Tips To Add Widgets On Your Google Android

1. It’s a huge thought that how do we add a widget to Google android. We brought you many widgets for your android phones but we forgotten this most important and most useful and best features carrying widget.

2. But now its time to introduce you the best and a simple step by step guide which helps you to add widgets to your Google Android.

google-android 3. Just allow your guide step one to get the starting base by clicking you the home key of your android phone so you could be the first stepper person who took a step to add widget on your Google Android.

4. Now you will take the next step by pushing up the menu key. By pushing the menu key, an add button will be displayed on your home screen of your android phone.

5. In the step three after pushing up the menu key a widget option will be displayed in front of you in the list of the icons on your Android phone.

6. In step four you have to click on that widget icon. And after pushing the widget icon it will track out all of your widgets which have been downloaded by you on your android phone.

7. Now firmly choose you’re most important and working based widget which you want to set for your home screen.

8. If you have downloaded a huge number of widgets in your android phone, and a problem is creating for you to find out your most desirable widget, then in step six you will scroll up in your android phone and you will choose your most important workable widget which you want to set for your home screen.

9. In step seven you have to push your home screen button. If your chosen desirable widget will appear on your home screen then you are all set.

10. Now in your step eight you are ready to start using your Widgets on your Google Android. Start using it and have fun.

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