Ten Best iPhone Apps for Managers

With almost 4,000 iPhone applications accessible, it can be a slight irresistible to hit upon the ones that can make your life simpler. Fortunately, there are resources to lend a hand to you for categorization of the basics. The web site ManagementCourses.com, for instance, just published its picks for the 50 best iPhone applications for MBA students. Here are 10 from the list that are designed for business managers too.


1. Facebook

Get your set of connections on the go with this app.

2. Google Calendar

Dwells on top of your schedule when you’re gone from the office.

3.Thumb Jot

Accessible note taking app.


Permits you to make use of your desktop with your phone.

5. Google News

This application updates you with latest news and current affairs going around the world.

6. iTalk Recorder

Typing notes on a small keypad is very difficult. This app lets you read out notes.

7. MyNetDiary

If you’re inspecting what you eat at business lunches and want to keep away from office snacks, this app will keep you answerable for your calorie intake during the day.


Helpful project manager that permits you to put together Google docs and other files to every assignment.

9. iBillTo

Maintain trail of how much hours you’ve shelled out and costing charges for all of your customers plans.

10. BudgetBuster

Those every day lattes can put in. This app facilitates you to see where you’re spending too greatly throughout job and following.

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